Rail Cargo Services

24×7 Air Cargo Services also offers Rail Cargo Service to our customers, so they can pick this service for sending parcels to another state from Delhi. Relieving customers of the burden of delivering their parcels is our main objective. So we collect the parcel from their desired address. And send it through express trains like Rajdhani Express to reduce delivery time and, depending on your preference, we will also provide door-to-door delivery to the recipient.

Choose our rail cargo services for comprehensive and efficient transportation solutions. Our train freight expert team ensures timely delivery of your goods with top-notch logistics services. Contact us today!

Rail Cargo Services
Rail Cargo Services

24×7 Air Cargo Services

24×7 Air Cargo Services are transported by cargo planes that are specifically designed for this purpose. The cargo is loaded into the plane’s cargo hold, which is typically located in the belly of the aircraft. Air cargo services are used for a wide range of products, including perishable goods, high-value items, and oversized cargo.

The benefits of air cargo services include faster delivery times, greater security, and the ability to transport goods over long distances. Air cargo services can also be customized to meet specific customer requirements, such as temperature-controlled transportation for perishable goods.

Rail Cargo FAQs.

Rail cargo refers to the transportation of goods or packages via trains.

Rail cargo is transported by trains that are specifically designed for this purpose. The cargo is loaded into the train’s cargo hold, which is typically located in specialized cars.

Rail cargo services offer a range of benefits, including lower costs, greater capacity for large shipments, and reduced emissions compared to other forms of transportation.

Almost any type of goods can be transported by rail cargo, including raw materials, finished goods, and consumer products.

Rail cargo pricing is determined based on factors such as the weight of the cargo, the distance it needs to be transported, and the level of service required.

Rail cargo is subject to strict security measures to ensure the safety of personnel and the cargo. These measures include screening and inspection of cargo, background checks for personnel, and use of specialized security equipment.

Yes, individuals can use rail cargo services to transport their personal belongings or goods. However, the process may be more complex than other forms of transportation.

Most rail cargo carriers provide tracking and tracing services that allow customers to monitor the status and location of their shipments in real-time. This information can be accessed online or via mobile apps.

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Restricted Rail Logistics Products

  1. Explosives: All explosives, including fireworks, flares, and ammunition, are strictly prohibited.
  2. Flammable Liquids: Any liquids that are flammable or combustible, such as gasoline, propane, and lighter fluid, are not allowed.
  3. Toxic Substances: Any substances that are poisonous or harmful, such as pesticides, bleach, and infectious materials, are restricted.
  4. Radioactive Materials: Radioactive materials, including medical isotopes, are prohibited.
  5. Oxidizing Substances: Any substances that can cause or enhance combustion, such as bleach or fertilizers, are restricted.
  6. Corrosives: Any substances that can corrode or damage materials, such as acids or batteries, are restricted.
  7. Magnetic Materials: Any materials that generate a magnetic field, such as magnets, are restricted.
  8. Lithium Batteries: Lithium batteries are restricted, and there are specific requirements for the transport of lithium batteries.
Contact Us for Your Rail Cargo Needs

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